He and another party supporter were injured during a shootout with special police, and one apparently died of his injuries. 在跟特种警察交火时,这个人与另外一名该党的支持者受伤,另外一人显然因为伤势过重死亡。
Defense attorneys have said time-stamped photos taken the night of the party show that the alleged victim was injured and impaired before she arrived. 辩护律师们说,那个聚会的记时照片表明,所谓的受害者在达到聚会前已经遭受侵袭和伤害。
The court stated that if Webb were the only party injured, it would feel justified in holding that the doctrine of "coming to the nuisance" barred relief. 法院规定,如果韦伯是唯一的受害方,走向公害的规则妨碍了法律补救,这一认识是正当的。
If any economic losses of one party caused by the other party's breach of confidentiality, the injured party has recourse against the breach party for the compensation. 若由此而造成另一方的经济损失,则另一方有追索泄密方的法律责任。
Crime injured party is refer to the person who are harmed by the offenders, having crime injured character, interdynamic character, fining or responsibility nature sometimes. 犯罪被害人是指受到犯罪人犯罪侵害遭到损害的人,具有犯罪被害性、犯罪和被害的互动性,有时还具有可罚性或可责性。
A rescue party has been sent out to bring back the injured workers. 已经派出一支营救队去把受伤的工人接回来。
We adopt different standards of proof according to the proof action of the tort party and the injured party. 对于诉讼过程中加害人与受害人的证明活动,应当坚持不同的证明标凖。
Victim-offender-reconciliation is beneficial to the agreement with the interest of the tort party, the injured party, state and society. 刑事和解制度有利于实现被害人、加害人、国家和社会利益的契合。
The buyer, the user and the party injured are all the right individual, who have right to ask the producer and the seller to undertake the responsibility. 产品的购买者、使用者及因使用产品而受损害的第三人都是产品责任的权利主体,有权要求产品的生产者、销售者承担产品责任的义务。
The third-party liability insurance of motor vehicles is a kind of law system, which can effectively protect the benefit of the third party who is injured in the accidents. 机动车第三者责任保险是一种能有效保护因交通事故而受害的第三者利益的法律制度。
This part firstly discusses the concept of consideration in Negotiable Instrument law, and points out that the fundamental attributes of consideration lies in that one party was injured and the other party benefited. 本部分首先探讨合同法上的票据对价的概念,指出对价的根本属性在于合同一方的受损而合同另一方的受益;
One party that fails to perform its pre-contract obligation is to bear corresponding delinquent liability, and the injured party is entitled to seek legal aid. 当事人未按照合同约定履行自己应尽的合同义务,则要承担相应的违约责任,受害方当事人则有权寻求法律救济。
Setting up the system of country's compensation for criminal injured party is not only to the injured party's relief, but also to the better explanation to the meanings of the country. 建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度,不仅是对被害人的救济,而且是对国家内涵更好的阐释。
We propose that the definition of Physician Specialist Responsibility is the tort liability should be assumed by some personnel or organization, who provide specialized skill and knowledge service, when clientele or the third party is injured due to negligence or delinquency in practising. 提出专家责任是指专门提供专业技能和知识服务的人员或者机构,在执业过程中因其疏忽或者过失致委托人或者第三人损害,依法应当承担的民事责任。
When the third party violate the right spouse, the benefit of the injured spouse is difficult to get legal relief. 当第三者侵害配偶权时,受损配偶一方的利益难以得到相应的法律救济。
In recent years, most of the theoretical research in the field of procedural law review the guilty acts on the point of perpetrators ( the inflector party), and few scholars investigate the guilty acts in the interests of the victims ( the injured party). 近年来,纵观刑事诉讼法学界的相关理论研究,绝大多数是从犯罪人(施害方)的角度进行探讨的,很少有学者以被害人(受害方)的利益出发考察。
Facts show that damage compensation by one party to the other is the most important and most tangible relief to the injured party. 事实表明,由夫妻一方对另一方进行损害赔偿是对受害方最重要、最实在的救济方式。
In the direct claim right to the third party exercise of the main range, the third person who injured should include the insured persons and vehicles outside the car on the third person, but the loss of motor vehicle accidents is except the insured and the driver. 在第三人直接请求权行使主体范围方面,受害第三人应当包括被保险车辆上的人员及车外第三人,但机动车自损事故中被保险人及驾驶员除外。